About Us
Founded by marine aquarium hobbyist, engineer and long time aquarium products manufacturer Jack Kent and his wife Kay, Continuum Aquatics & Brightwell Aquatics, continues their quest for the most innovative, high quality aquarium products combined with excellence in customer service.
Jack Kent was the President of Kent Marine, Inc for 17 years from 1989-2006 when he sold the company and went into retirement. Jack's passion for the hobby could not keep him in retirement however and about 5 years later as a continuation of his legacy, he founded Continuum Aquatics.
In 2016 Jack bought Brightwell Aquatics and both companies operate seamlessly under his leadership. His commitment to excellence is driven by his experience as a hobbyist. His science based approach underscores every item we have in our product family.
The goal in operating our business is simply to provide the absolute highest quality, scientifically-sound products and customer service of any aquarium water care manufacturer, and to do it all in a straight-forward and honorable fashion. This might seem like a lofty (and refreshing) goal, but considerable time and effort has been invested in this pursuit; this is my commitment to you, the Brightwell Aquatics & Continuum Aquatics Assurance of Quality and Ethics.
No gimmicks. No reliance upon outdated formulations or pre-existing industry reputations. No lip service. Simple results, obtained through a commitment to excellence that is reflected in every aspect of how we formulate our products and operate our company. Remember the integrity that was so commonplace in businesses before the world became so commercialized? This is it. This is a company operated by scientists with one goal: to produce the absolute best products to enable aquarists to maintain their aquaria, whether 1- or 1-million gallons, in the most successful fashion. Period.
When you are ready to maintain your aquarium water chemistry with a system of products that is scientifically formulated to have the maximum possible benefit to your aquarium, a system trusted by some of the foremost recreational and professional aquarists, and prominent private and governmental research organizations, in over 90 countries, then we will be here to assist you.
Our continued commitment to the quality of our products and service, and the moral ethics of how we operate our business, are what stands behind every product bearing our name and makes them an attractive option to the aquarist that has grown tired of the hype and confusion that often surround water care products and their manufacturers. If you’re ready for a change, try us. It’s about science. It’s about time.